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seaborn jointplot with same size plots

I'm doing a jointplot with a basemap, the problem is that when I add the basemap the main plot doesn't have the same size of the marginal plots. I've tried with different parameters without luck. Does anyone have an idea?

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import contextily as ctx
import pandas as pd

##exaplme of the data
coords={'longitud':[-62.2037376443, -62.1263309099, -62.1111660957, -62.2094232682, -62.2373117384, -62.4837603464,
 -62.4030570833, -62.3975699059, -62.7017114116, -62.7830883096, -62.7786038141, -62.7683234105, -62.7490101452,
 -62.7709656745, -63.1002199219, -63.1890252191, -63.1183018549, -63.069960016, -62.7957745659, -63.1715687622,
 -63.2156105034, -63.0634381954, -63.2243260588, -63.1153871895, -63.1068292891, -63.103945266, -63.046202785,
 -63.1002257551, -63.2076065143, -62.9766391316, -62.9639256604, -62.9911452446, -62.9819984159, -62.9693649898,
 -63.066770885, -62.9867441519, -62.9566360192, -62.962616287, -62.835080907, -63.0704805194, -62.8796906301,
 -63.0725050601, -63.2224345145, -63.1609069526, -63.0614466072, -62.8847887504, -63.1093652381, -62.822694115,
 -63.211982035, -63.1689040153],
'latitud':[8.54644405234, 8.54344899107, 8.54223724187, 8.54290207992, 8.49122679072, 8.48386575122, 8.46450360179,
 8.46404720757, 8.35310083084, 8.31701565261, 8.30258604829, 8.29974870902, 8.29281679496, 8.28939264064, 8.28785272804,
 8.28221439317, 8.27978694565, 8.27864159366, 8.27634987807, 8.27619269053, 8.27236343925, 8.27258932351, 8.26833993531,
 8.267530064, 8.26446669791, 8.26266392333, 8.2641092051, 8.26208837315, 8.26034269744, 8.26123972942, 8.25789799656,
 8.25825378832, 8.25833002805, 8.25914612933, 8.2540499893, 8.25347956867, 8.2540932736, 8.25405171513, 8.2478564527,
 8.24561857662, 8.2440865055, 8.24256528837, 8.24089278, 8.23877286416, 8.23782626443, 8.23865421655, 8.23733824299,
 8.23477115627, 8.23552604027, 8.24327920905]}
df = pd.DataFrame(coords)
OSM_C = '{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
joint_axes = sns.jointplot(
x='longitud', y='latitud', data=df, ec="r", s=5)
adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0)

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • Here is an approach that:

    • removes the axes sharing in the y-direction to be able to change the aspect to 'datalim'
    • sets the aspect to 'equal', 'datalim'
    • sets the y data limits of the marginal plot to be the same as the joint plot; this seems to need a redraw

    The following code shows the idea (using imshow, as I don't have contextily installed):

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    coords = {'longitud' : [-62.2037376443, -62.1263309099, -62.1111660957, -62.2094232682, -62.2373117384, -62.4837603464, -62.4030570833, -62.3975699059, -62.7017114116, -62.7830883096, -62.7786038141, -62.7683234105, -62.7490101452, -62.7709656745, -63.1002199219, -63.1890252191, -63.1183018549, -63.069960016, -62.7957745659, -63.1715687622, -63.2156105034, -63.0634381954, -63.2243260588, -63.1153871895, -63.1068292891, -63.103945266, -63.046202785, -63.1002257551, -63.2076065143, -62.9766391316, -62.9639256604, -62.9911452446, -62.9819984159, -62.9693649898, -63.066770885, -62.9867441519, -62.9566360192, -62.962616287, -62.835080907, -63.0704805194, -62.8796906301, -63.0725050601, -63.2224345145, -63.1609069526, -63.0614466072, -62.8847887504, -63.1093652381, -62.822694115, -63.211982035, -63.1689040153],
              'latitud' : [8.54644405234, 8.54344899107, 8.54223724187, 8.54290207992, 8.49122679072, 8.48386575122, 8.46450360179, 8.46404720757, 8.35310083084, 8.31701565261, 8.30258604829, 8.29974870902, 8.29281679496, 8.28939264064, 8.28785272804, 8.28221439317, 8.27978694565, 8.27864159366, 8.27634987807, 8.27619269053, 8.27236343925, 8.27258932351, 8.26833993531, 8.267530064, 8.26446669791, 8.26266392333, 8.2641092051, 8.26208837315, 8.26034269744, 8.26123972942, 8.25789799656, 8.25825378832, 8.25833002805, 8.25914612933, 8.2540499893, 8.25347956867, 8.2540932736, 8.25405171513, 8.2478564527, 8.24561857662, 8.2440865055, 8.24256528837, 8.24089278, 8.23877286416, 8.23782626443, 8.23865421655, 8.23733824299, 8.23477115627, 8.23552604027, 8.24327920905]}
    df = pd.DataFrame(coords)
    g = sns.jointplot(data=df, x='longitud', y='latitud')
    # g.ax_joint.imshow(np.random.rand(20, 10), cmap='spring', interpolation='bicubic',
    #                   extent=[df['longitud'].min(), df['longitud'].max(), df['latitud'].min(), df['latitud'].max()])
    for axes in g.ax_joint.get_shared_y_axes():
        for ax in axes:
    g.ax_joint.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')

    sns.jointplot with equal axes

    You can still combine this approach with changing the figure's width or height, or adding more whitespace on top or below.