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Add hours to workday in python

I need the following script to compute the working hours from 9 am to 6 pm, so that if I add 5 hours it will be added from 9 am the next day. Example: if it is now 5 pm and I add 5 hours and the working day ends at 6 pm, the output would be: 13 hours. 17 + 1 = 18 and 9 + 4 = 13 hs

So far the script computes hours regardless of the labor restriction.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
updated = ( +
           timedelta( hours = 5 )).strftime('%H:%M:%S')
print( updated )



  • Here you are:

    workday_begin = time(9)
    workday_end = time(18)
    # compute workday length
    workday_hours = datetime.combine(, workday_end) - datetime.combine(, workday_begin)
    # this is timedelta from your example
    duration_hours = timedelta(hours=17)
    # ignore times longer than a workday
    day_cnt = 0  # this could be used to know how many day we've skipped, not part of question tho
    while duration_hours > workday_hours:
        day_cnt += 1
        duration_hours -= workday_hours
    now =
    # now = datetime(2021,12,10,11,25,16)
    if workday_begin < now.time() < workday_end:
        # now is in work-hours
        if datetime.combine(, workday_end) - now < duration_hours:
            # duration would exceed work-hours, jumping to next day
            day_cnt += 1
            duration_hours -= (datetime.combine(, workday_end) - now)
            updated = datetime.combine(, workday_begin) + duration_hours
            # everything is fine, just add hours
            updated = now + duration_hours
        # now is not in work-hours. Add remaining duration to workday begin
        updated = datetime.combine(, workday_begin) + duration_hours
    # keep just a time part
    updated = updated.time().strftime('%H:%M:%S')
    print( updated )

    I hope I understood your question.