Imagine you have a 3d array like e.g.
A = np.array([[[1,2], [2,3] ], [[3,4], [1,2]], [[2,3], [3,4]]])
A.shape (3, 2, 2)
array([[[1, 2],
[2, 3]],
[[3, 4],
[1, 2]],
[[2, 3],
[3, 4]]])
Now, if I want to get the indices of maxima along the first dimension this is easy as
array([[1, 1],
[2, 2]])
How do I do the same for a 4d array finding the maximum along the first two dimensions?
Example 4d array
np.random.randint(0, 9,[2,3,2,2])
B = array([[[[5, 4],
[3, 8]],
[[3, 5],
[0, 4]],
[[0, 1],
[3, 0]]],
[[[0, 2],
[7, 3]],
[[7, 3],
[8, 0]],
[[8, 3],
[2, 7]]]])
B.shape (2, 3, 2, 2)
In that case, the output should still be a (2, 2)
matrix, but each cell containing a tuple of the maximum index of dimension 0 and dimension 1, i.e.
Example output
array([[(1, 2), (0, 1)],
[(1, 1), (0, 0)]])
As correctly pointed out by @hpaulj the solution to this problem lies in calling
idx = B.reshape(6,2,2).argmax(axis=0)
2d_indices = np.unravel_index(idx,(2,3))
However, this way the ordering is a bit different to what I expected (and outlined in my question above). To get the output exactly as above, just add
list_of_tuples = [a for a in zip(2d_indices[0].flatten(), 2d_indices[1].flatten())]
np.array(list_of_tuples).reshape(3, 3, -1)
It looks a bit cumbersome to me and there may be a more direct way of getting there, but I still want to post it for the sake of completeness :)
only accepts scalar axis values (some other functions allow tuples). But we can reshape B
In [18]: B.reshape(6,2,2).argmax(axis=0)
array([[5, 1],
[4, 0]])
and convert those back to 2d indices:
In [21]: np.unravel_index(_18,(2,3))
(array([[1, 0],
[1, 0]]),
array([[2, 1],
[1, 0]]))
those values could be reordered in various ways, for example:
In [23]: np.transpose(_21)
array([[[1, 2],
[1, 1]],
[[0, 1],
[0, 0]]])