I'm trying to split the ad_content with each "_" character, but I don't know why I can't go further than the 9th split word (splits[SAFE_OFFSET(8)] AS objective
This is the query I'm using:
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(0)] AS country,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(1)] AS product,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(2)] AS budget,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(3)] AS source,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(4)] AS campaign,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(5)] AS audience,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(6)] AS route_type,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(7)] AS business,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(8)] AS objective,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(9)] AS format,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(10)] AS nnn,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(11)] AS date,
'|') AS splits
FROM ga_digital_marketing
For example, ad_content = us_latam_perf_facebook_black-friday_bbdd-push_SCL-CCP_domestic_conversion_push_all_20210906
And this is the results using the query from above:
ad_content | country | product | budget | source | campaign | audience | route_type | business | objective | format | nnn | date |
us_latam_perf_facebook_black-friday_bbdd-push_SCL-CCP_domestic_conversion_push_all_20210906 | us | latam | perf | black-friday | bbdd-push | SCL-CCP | domestic | conversion | us0 | us1 | us2 |
As you can see above, from the format column (splits[SAFE_OFFSET(9)] AS format
) are not giving the results correctly.
I believe that the problem is in here: r'\1|\2|\3|\4|\5|\6|\7|\8|\9|\10|\11|\12')
because maybe the number 0 of |\10 is not recognizing it as a number but as a string. And that's why I have as a result us0 us1 and us2
Is there a solution for this limitation?
Is there another way to split the ad_content example?
BigQuery's REGEXP_REPLACE supports only \1 to \9 - that is why!
Is there a solution for this limitation?
Use below approach instead
-- ad_content,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(0)] AS country,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(1)] AS product,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(2)] AS budget,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(3)] AS source,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(4)] AS campaign,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(5)] AS audience,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(6)] AS route_type,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(7)] AS business,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(8)] AS objective,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(9)] AS format,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(10)] AS nnn,
splits[SAFE_OFFSET(11)] AS date,
SPLIT(AD_CONTENT, '_') AS splits
FROM ga_digital_marketing
if applied to sample in your question - output is