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vb.netlinqdatatable LINQ select specific rows from datatable

I have s situation where i load all my data in a DataTable, but i need to use only the columns which don't start with a prefix ("#") in my case. I could build a function to go through the data, but i wanted to use LINQ as i'm in the process of learning it.

What i have so far:

Dim l = (From r In (dt.AsEnumerable())
                     From c As DataColumn
                             In r.Table.Columns
                     Where Not c.ColumnName.Contains("#")).ToList()

But the result is not what i need. I realize what's wrong with the function but i just can't figure out how to write it

To make it more clear:

[Row1]    123      abv   12/10/21
[Row2]    555     sfsf   12/12/21

I don't need [Column3] and, because of the specific of what i'm trying to do, i need to use the complete DataTable. So, the result would be:

DataTable, or List(of) or IEnumerable..:
[Row1]    123      abv   
[Row2]    555     sfsf   

And i was hoping to use LINQ, but if it's to complicated, or not possible, i will use the normal vb way. i'll build a new DataTable with only the desired columns...


  • You can do a Select if you know which columns you want to keep

    dim result = dt.AsEnumerable().[Select](Function(x) New With {
           Key .Col1 = x.Field(Of String)("Column1"),
           Key .Col2 = x.Field(Of String)("Column2")

    Or else you can do

    dim result = dt.AsEnumerable().[Select](Function(x) New With {
           Key .Col1 = x.Field(Of String)("Column1"),
           Key .Col2 = x.Field(Of String)("Column2"),
           'put every field.....
       }).Where(Function(y) Not y.Col3.StartsWith("#"c)).Tolist()