I would like to run a bootstrap of a weighted mean in a for loop (I don’t think I can use ‘apply’ because it concerns a weighted mean). I would only need to store the resulting standard errors in a dataframe. Another post provided the code for how to calculate the weighted mean in a bootstrap (bootstrap weighted mean in R), and works perfectly:
mtcarsdata = mtcars #dataframe for data
mtcarsweights = rev(mtcars) #dataframe for weights
samplewmean <- function(d, i, j) {
d <- d[i, ]
w <- j[i, ]
return(weighted.mean(d, w))
results_qsec <- sd(boot(data= mtcarsdata[, 6, drop = FALSE],
statistic = samplewmean,
j = mtcarsweights[, 6 , drop = FALSE])[[2]], na.rm=T)
To then run it in a loop, I tried:
outputboot = matrix(NA, nrow=11, ncol=1)
for (k in 1:11){
outputboot[1,k] = sd(boot(data= mtcarsdata[, k, drop = FALSE],
statistic = samplewmean,
j = mtcarsweights[, k, drop = FALSE])[[2]], na.rm=T)
But this doesn't work. The first output isn’t even correct. I suspect the code can’t work with two iterators: one for looping over the columns and the other for the sampling with replacement.
I hope anyone could offer some help.
This will calculate the standard deviation of all bootstraps for each column of the table mtcarsdata
weighted by mtcarsweights
Since we can calculate the result in one step, we can use apply
and friends (here: purrr:map_dbl
mtcarsdata <- mtcars # dataframe for data
mtcarsweights <- rev(mtcars) # dataframe for weights
samplewmean <- function(d, i, j) {
d <- d[i, ]
w <- j[i, ]
return(weighted.mean(d, w))
mtcarsdata %>%
ncol() %>%
seq() %>%
map_dbl(~ {
# .x is the number of the current column
data = mtcarsdata[, .x, drop = FALSE],
statistic = samplewmean,
R = 10000,
j = mtcarsweights[, .x, drop = FALSE]
)[[2]], na.rm = T)
#> [1] 0.90394218 0.31495232 23.93790468 6.34068205 0.09460257 0.19103196
#> [7] 0.33131814 0.07487754 0.07745781 0.13477355 0.27240347
Created on 2021-12-10 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)