Here is my query with relation, and I am fetching data with comments and with comments I need user detail too, but if I do like below I am getting the above error.
$type = 'success';
$status_code = 200;
$message = 'Posts data listed.';
$response = Post::with(['associate:id,name,avatar', 'comments:id,commenter_id,commentable_id,comment,created_at'])
->join('users', '', '=', 'comments.commenter_id');
if (request()->query('search')) {
// $response = $response->where("name", "LIKE", "%" . request()->query('search') . "%");
$response = $response->search(request()->query('search'));
$response = $response->latest('posts.created_at')->paginate(5);
return response_data($type, $status_code, $message, $response);
When you use ->with
method, eloquent will fetch comments
after executing main query (Means Post::...->join()
), So if you want using a table in your query, then you should use it in related query.
So use join
in with
->with('comments',function ($query) {
// Now you can select from users or comments
// e.g. ->select([...,'users.any_column_you_want'])
->join('users', '', '=', 'comments.commenter_id');
Check reference: Eager Loading and Constraining Eager Loads.
Check mysql join reference for a better understanding: W3Schools Mysql Join