I am building a React app well technically preact but on the build it fails on the current code:
This is what the "helper class" looks like:
class DuplicateChecker {
hasDuplicates = async () => {
const checkFirstPage = await this.isDuplicateFoundOnFirst();
It is imported to a component and used to help checking for stuff
And this is the error output
Cannot convert non-arrow function to a function expression.
14 | }
15 |
> 16 | hasDuplicates = async () => {
| ^
17 | const checkFirstPage = await this.isDuplicateFoundOnFirst();
18 |
My .babelrc looks as following:
"presets": [
"plugins": [
And still once i run the build it fails, not sure on why since it should compile the code properly
Solved, here is the solution:
Thanks to https://github.com/rschristian
The issue was within the .babelrc file, so i've deleted it and added my babel plugins within preact.config.js as followed:
export default (config, env, helpers) => {
const { rule } = helpers.getLoadersByName(config, 'babel')[0];
const babelConfig = rule.options;
After this change the build works fine with original syntax.
Hope this helps anyone