Search code examples

Scalar found where operator expected at <script>

use Moose;

extends 'TEST::Role';

has 'name' => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'Str',
    default => 'me',

This works in perl 5.8.5 but not in 5.8.8.

How to resolve it?

String found where operator expected at B.PM line 4, near "extends 'TEST::Role'"
        (Do you need to predeclare extends?)


  • If you can get this into a failing test and post it to either the Moose mailing list, or #moose on I'm sure someone can help sort out what is going on.

    Please be sure to include all of the code, your package declaration is missing here (and as a first hint, I wouldn't name my package B because that collides with a core package).