I'm using OpenApi 3. A tool I use, Owasp Zap looks at the OpenAPI doc and creates fake requests. When it gets a 404, it complains that it doesn't have the media type that the OpenAPI promises.
But I didn't write anything in the OpenAPI doc about how 404s are handled. Obviously I can't write an infinite number of bad end points & document that they return 404s.
What is the right way to record this in the OpenAPI yaml or json?
Here is a minimal yaml file... I know for sure that this file does say anything about 404, ie. 404s aren't in the contract so tools are complaining that 404s are valid responses, but 404 is what a site should return when a resource is missing
"openapi": "3.0.0"
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Foo"
description: Errors
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Error"
type: object
- name
type: string
type: object
- error
type: string
type: string
type: object
This has been proposed already but not implemented: https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/issues/521
In the comments someone gave a suggestion: https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/issues/521#issuecomment-513055351, which reduces a little your code, but you would still have to insert N*M entries for N paths * M methods.
Since we don't have the ability to make the specification change to our needs, all that remains is we adapting ourselves.
From your profile, you seem to be a windows user. You can for example, create a new explorer context menu to your .yaml
files (Add menu item to windows context menu only for specific filetype, Adding a context menu item in Windows for a specific file extension), and make it run a script that auto-fills your file.
Here, an example python script called yamlfill404.py
that would be used in the context call in a way like path/to/pythonexecutable/python.exe path/to/python/script/yamlfill404.py %1
, where %1
is the path to the file being right clicked.
Python file:
import yaml
from sys import argv
import re
order = ['openapi','paths','components']
level0re = re.compile('(?<=\n)[^ ][^:]+')
def _propfill(rootnode, nodes, value):
if len(nodes) == 1:
rootnode[nodes[0]] = value
if len(nodes) > 1:
nextnode = rootnode.get(nodes[0])
if rootnode.get(nodes[0]) is None:
nextnode = {}
rootnode[nodes[0]] = nextnode
_propfill(nextnode, nodes[1:], value)
def propfill(rootnode, nodepath, value):
_propfill(rootnode, [n.replace('__slash__','/') for n in nodepath.replace('\/','__slash__').split('/')], value)
def yamlfill(filepath):
with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
yamltree = yaml.safe_load(file)
#propfill(yamltree, 'components/schemas/notFoundResponse/...', '')
propfill(yamltree, 'components/responses/notFound/description', 'Not found response')
propfill(yamltree, 'components/responses/notFound/content/application\/json/schema/$ref', '#/components/schemas/notFoundResponse')
responses = [mv['responses'] if 'responses' in mv else [] for pk,pv in (yamltree['paths'].items() if 'paths' in yamltree else []) for mk,mv in pv.items()]
for response in responses:
propfill(response, '404/$ref', '#/components/responses/notFound')
yamlstring = yaml.dump(yamltree)
offsets = [i[1] for i in sorted([(order.index(f.group(0)) if f.group(0) in order else len(order),f.start()-1) for f in [f for f in level0re.finditer('\n'+yamlstring)]])]
offsets = [(offset,(sorted([o for o in offsets if o > offset]+[len(yamlstring)-1])[0])) for offset in offsets]
with open(filepath[:-5]+'_404.yaml', 'w') as file:
file.write(''.join(['\n'+yamlstring[o[0]:o[1]] for o in offsets]).strip())
It processes the %1
, which would be path/to/original.yaml
and saves it as path/to/original_404.yaml
(but you can change it to overwrite the original).
This example script changes the yaml formating (quotes type, spacing, ordering etc), because of the library used pyyaml
. I had to reorder the file with the order = ['openapi','paths','components']
, because it loses ordering. For less instrusion, maybe a more manual insertion would be better suited. Maybe one that uses only regex. Maye using awk
, there are plenty of ways.
Unfortunately it is just a hack not not a solution.