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FluentD How to ignore pattern not match log not to forward to endpoint

We have a requirement where we need to forward only specific string logs to kibana endpoint/console. Currently we are getting pattern not match line where the matched string not found. How to ignore those logs not to send to forwarder and only send match logs.

  @type tail
  path session.txt
  pos_file session.txt.pos
  tag sessionlog
    @type regexp
    expression ^\<#\>\s+(?<time>\w+/\w+/\w+\s+[:0-9]+)\s+(?<hostname>[-0-9A-Z]+)\s+(?<message>.*Clip.*)$/

<match sessionlog>
  @type stdout
<#> 2019/11/16 13:56:33 ABC-Hostanme 278424 Dispatcher_1 Msg [Unit1] error emitted: '404'from session start: 2021-11-16T08:54:01
<#> 2019/11/16 13:56:33 ABC-Hostanme 278424 Dispatcher_1 Msg [Unit1] clip result: a1=0, a2=217, a3=152475, a4=148692


[warn]: #0 pattern not match: <#> 2019/11/16 13:56:33 ABC-Hostanme 278424 Dispatcher_1 Msg [Unit1] error emitted: '404'from session start: 2021-11-16T08:54:01
sessionlog: {"hostname":"DESKTOP-3JOOBVV","message":"278424 Dispatcher_1 Msg [Unit1] clip result: a1=0, a2=217, a3=152475, a4=148692"}

We want to get only matched pattern logs.


  • @sunshine, If the regexp parser cannot extract a match from the log, it will emit that error. So, its recommended that all log lines passing through the regexp parser can be matched by the expression. I recommend you use the grep filter before the regexp parser to avoid those "pattern not match" logs from fluentd.

    I've pasted an example below but you can also use <exclude> blocks in the grep filter. See here for more info and examples:

      @type tail
       path session.txt
       pos_file session.txt.pos
       tag sessionlog
    <filter sessionlog>
      @type grep
        key message
        pattern /INCLUDE_PATTERN_HERE/
    <filter sessionlog>
      @type parser
      key_name message
      reserve_data true
        @type regexp
        expression ^\<#\>\s+(?<time>\w+/\w+/\w+\s+[:0-9]+)\s+(?<hostname>[-0-9A-Z]+)\s+(?<message>.*Clip.*)$/
    <match sessionlog>
      @type stdout