After trying to reverse a very simple math formula for the past day, I've given up after bumping my head against scipy.special.lambertw
-- which might not even be the correct place to be looking.
I have the following equation:
import numpy
# The following == 70.03
np.sqrt(np.log(742) * 742)
I'm trying to invert that equation -- where inputing 70.03
would equal 742
Here was my current attempt after playing around with an algebra solver and Wolfram Alpha:
from scipy.special import lambertw
np.power(np.power(np.e, lambertw(70.03)), 2)
This obviously produces an incorrect answer — but since algebra was so long ago, I'm basically lost as to how to produce a function that coverts 70.03
back into 742
Thanks for any help!
From WolframAlpha I get
from scipy.special import lambertw
f = lambda x: x ** 2 / lambertw(x ** 2)
as the inverse.
f(70.03) gives (742.008379366021+0j)
but i dont have the mathematics to find what wolframalpha found, i hope you understand why f above is the inverse really