I have to send few private commands to bot. How do you know if the event message is private or from channel/group ?
I found this in the obj message:
PeerUser(user_id=xxxxxxxxx) - private message from User
from_id=None <-- none
PeerChannel(channel_id=hhhhhhhhhh) - message from channel
from_id=PeerUser(user_id=xxxxxxxxxx) - from_id got the user_id
How to test it ?Do I have to look for attribute PeerUser or PeerChannel ? or Do I have to test 'from_id' ?:
if not from_id :
# private message
# channel message
Thank you.
Telethon has events.
If you debug the input of an event you see multiple parameters. event.is_private
Is a parameter which is either true or false. Example code:
from telethon import events
async def init(bot, session):
@bot.on(events.NewMessage(incoming=True, pattern=r"/test"))
async def handler(event):
if event.is_private:
It's a working snippet from one of my codes. Try the debigger to see what an event does contain else. It holds a lot of usefull data.