I'm using C# with the XNA library and I'm getting NaNs cropping up in my Vector3 objects. Is there a way to break into the debugger when the offending calculation happens (e.g. a divide by zero)? Currently the program just continues running. I'm using VS2008 Professional. All the exceptions in the Exceptions dialog are selected in the "user-unhandled" column.
Edit: To clarify, I can't work out where the bad calculation is. This is why I want the debugger to break automatically. Setting breakpoints is not a solution.
Firstly dividing a double/float by zero gives Infinity/-Infinity depending upon whether the double is positive or negative. Only a zero double/float divided by zero gives NaN. In either case, no exception will be thrown.
You should be able to use conditional breakpoints to detect when a particular variable gets set to one of these values. Be careful when checking for NaN though, as NaN != NaN.
double a = double.NaN;
Console.Out.WriteLine(a == double.NaN); // false
Console.Out.WriteLine(a == a); // false
Console.Out.WriteLine(double.IsNaN(a)); // true