I have picker in my left menu navigation shell that change the main page language,
for example actually the app in English. When I change to French, it change and redirect to main page with French text.
The problem is when I press the back arrow in navigation page, it back to old language (English).
Here the shell navigation
<Shell ..>
<Picker ItemsSource="{Binding MultiLang, Mode=TwoWay}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedLang}">
<ShellContent x:Name="home"
ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate home:Dashboard}" />
and this is the method that redirects to the main page:
private async void ChangeLange(string lang)
Routing.RegisterRoute(nameof(Dashboard), typeof(Dashboard));
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"{nameof(Dashboard)}");// it redirect but with button back
RemoveStackNavigation ()
// await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("//main"); like this , it dosent refresh the page with
Shell.Current.FlyoutIsPresented = false;
here is the MVMM
public string _selectedLang;
public string SelectedLang
return _selectedLang;
if (_selectedLang != value)
_selectedLang = value;
I tried to RemoveStackNavigation before make redirection to Dashboard like this :
public static void RemoveStackNavigation()
var existingPages = Shell.Current.Navigation.NavigationStack.ToList();
foreach (var page in existingPages)
if (page != null)
I didn't understand so much of what happens, but I assume that you want to change the language of your app when you swipe the picker. I think the problem isn't in the navigation, but the way of pages are created.
For example, if you run now your app and it goes to a Main page
it will stored in a temp cache, so if you go to another page and go back, it will load faster than the first time that you entered in app.
Something that you can test is (ONLY TEST):
, just to it don't refresh and you lost this value.Label
and the set the dynamic text:switch(pickerResult):
case "1":
lblTest.Text = "french";
case "2":
lblTest.Text = "English";
case "3":
lblTest.Text = "Italian";
AND, the page that you go when you click in back button that now is showing in English, create exactly the same label above, and see if works.
If it works, then some hints:
SO, to solve this, you need to create some List<Words>
and get the properly language when the picker was changed:
private void SelectedIndexChanged(sender s, EventArgs e)
case "1":
App.wordsList = GetListOfWords("french");
This GetListOfWords
is a function to you call your xml or App Resource or whatever you're using to change the language (even if was a translator).
Now your wordsList (or whatever are your way to call it) will be updated.