I am trying to remove the indention in the footnote section of a table created with kableExtra. I am assuming that the indention comes from the \item
function that stands before the note begins (see latex output). Could anybody help to remove this indention resp. the \item
prefix from the note?
tab_data <- mtcars[1:5, 1:3]
x = tab_data,
format = "latex",
booktabs = TRUE,
) %>%
kable_styling(full_width = FALSE) %>%
general = "Here is a note of the table. It is very long and I would want to remove this ugly indention on the left side of the table notes. ",
general_title = "",
threeparttable = TRUE
Here the latex output:
& mpg & cyl & disp\\
Mazda RX4 & 21.0 & 6 & 160\\
Mazda RX4 Wag & 21.0 & 6 & 160\\
Datsun 710 & 22.8 & 4 & 108\\
Hornet 4 Drive & 21.4 & 6 & 258\\
Hornet Sportabout & 18.7 & 8 & 360\\
\item Here is a note of the table. It is very long and I would want to remove this ugly indention on the left side of the table notes.
And a print sreen of the PDF and with the indention:
You could add footnote_as_chunk = T
tab_data <- mtcars[1:5, 1:3]
x = tab_data,
format = "latex",
booktabs = TRUE,
) %>%
kable_styling(full_width = FALSE) %>%
general = "Here is a note of the table. It is very long and I would want to remove this ugly indention on the left side of the table notes. ",
general_title = "",
threeparttable = TRUE,
footnote_as_chunk = T