Search code examples

Difference between views and SELECT queries

If views are used to show selected columns to the user, and same can be done by using

SELECT col1, col2
FROM   xyz

, what is the point of using views?


  • All answers above provide an excellent explanation for the difference between a view and a query.

    The query in the question is simple to an extreme degree, and creating a view for it might be overkill. However, most queries are more complex, for example:

     ;with Orders2016 as (
        select Customers.CustomerID
             , Customers.CompanyName
             , TotalOrderAmount = sum(OD.Quantity * OD.UnitPrice)
        from Customers
                 join Orders O on Customers.CustomerID = O.CustomerID
                 join OrderDetails OD on O.OrderID = OD.OrderID
        where OrderDate >= '2016-01-01'
          and OrderDate < '2017-01-01'
        group by Customers.CustomerID, Customers.CompanyName
       , CustomersGroups as
            select CustomerID
                 , CompanyName
                 , TotalOrderAmount
                 , CustomerGroup =
                            TotalOrderAmount >= 0 and TotalOrderAmount < 1000
                            then 'low'
                        when TotalOrderAmount >= 1000 and TotalOrderAmount < 5000
                            then 'Medium'
                        when TotalOrderAmount >= 5000 and TotalOrderAmount < 10000
                            then 'High'
                        when TotalOrderAmount >= 10000 then 'VeryHigh'
            from Orders2016
    select CustomerGroup
         , TotalInGroup      = Count(*)
         , PercentageInGroup = Count(*) * 1.0 / (select count(*) from CustomersGroups)
    from CustomersGroups
    group by CustomerGroup
    order by TotalInGroup desc;

    Imagine rewriting it each time you want to access data. (Or even searching through files, copy & paste). Poor time management.

    Views also save us tons of time and are a way to be DRY.