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Ansible sort output by numbers

Im using Ansible 2.9 and i want to order msg devices by number, i have this msg :

msg:  "{{ facts['ansible_facts'] | to_json | from_json | json_query('ansible_net_interfaces[?starts_with(name,`pl2`)].name') | list| sort }}"

And i have this output:

ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": [
        "pl2.111" ] ... 

How can i make it show the output like this :

"pl2.12" ] ... 

And also how to catch the biggest pl2.* ? for example if the biggest number is pl2.250? Thanks!


  • Write custom filter, e.g.

    shell> cat filter_plugins/ 
    from distutils.version import LooseVersion
    def version_sort(l):
        return sorted(l, key=LooseVersion)
    class FilterModule(object):
        ''' Ansible filters for operating on versions '''
        def filters(self):
            return {
                'version_sort' : version_sort,

    Given the list

      - pl2
      - pl2.10
      - pl2.100
      - pl2.102
      - pl2.11
      - pl2.111

    the sorting works as expected

      - pl2
      - pl2.10
      - pl2.11
      - pl2.100
      - pl2.102
      - pl2.111