When I work in PhpStorm IDE with a Contao 4.9 project, the IDE becomes very slow and uses much more then the normal amount of memory. I already excluded almost every possible folder from being indexed, but it is still super slow.
I searched a bit, but only found this dedicated inspection profile for Contao CMS.
Is there something I'm missing or a way to identify and fix this memory leaks?
As @LazyOne pointed out, the Intellij-Support is quite helpfull and the right place to go ini this matters.
They checked my logs: (Help > Collect Logs...)
And found a broken symlink, which apparently was corrupting the IDE stubs
2021-11-23 16:41:33,690 [13456341] INFO - j.psi.stubs.StubTreeLoaderImpl - Can't load file content for stub building: Not a file: .../system/config/tcpdf.php (type=null)
Caches should be cleared after removing/fixing the corrupted file: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/invalidate-caches.html