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string indices must be integers json file

I was trying to grab the data from youtube using the API, hopefully, I did, but While trying to parse the file I got an error, string indices must be integers.

Following is the error which I am facing...

Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-48-213e690c5b60> in <module>----> 1 response['items'][0]['id']['videoId']['snippet']['title']

TypeError: string indices must be integers

Actually, I was trying to grab the first video from the channel So I put response['items'][0], I got that easily... but when was trying to parse the Video_ID and Title of that video I am getting this error.

However, when I am executing them separately, I am getting the output.

OUTPUT when executed separately:


'Roles And Responsibilities Of An AI Engineer'

Output when executed together:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-50-213e690c5b60> in <module>
----> 1 response['items'][0]['id']['videoId']['snippet']['title']

TypeError: string indices must be integers

Can anyone help me out and tell me how to get this output in one single command.


  • As you get in comments - you can't get two values from JSON/dictionary in one step.

    You have to get every value separatelly and use both in one print()

    More readable:

    val1 = response['items'][0]['id']['videoId']
    val2 = response['items'][0]['snippet']['title']
    print(val1, val2)

    The same but in one line:

    print(response['items'][0]['id']['videoId'], response['items'][0]['snippet']['title'])

    Or short version which is still readable:

    item = response['items'][0]
    print(item['id']['videoId'], item['snippet']['title'])

    and it works with for-loop

    for item in response['items']:
        print(item['id']['videoId'], item['snippet']['title'])