I have the following code sample that actually works:
namespace DeviceLib
public interface IInstrument
event Action<InstrumentConnectionStatus> OnConnectionChanged;
event Action OnRemoteMeasureRequested;
public class InstrumentInstance
public delegate Task EventCompletedHandler(object sender, dynamic eventArgs);
public event EventCompletedHandler StatusChanged = async delegate { };
public event EventCompletedHandler RemoteMeasureRequested = async delegate { };
IInstrument Instrument;
public InstrumentInstance(string DriverName)
Instrument = DriverName switch
Instrument1.DRIVER => new Instrument1Driver(),
instrument2.DRIVER => new Instrument2Driver(),
_ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Driver {DriverName} not supported"),
public async Task<object> OnStatusChanged()
Instrument.OnConnectionChanged += async (InstrumentConnectionStatus status) =>
await StatusChanged(nameof(OnStatusChanged), status.ToString());
return null;
public async Task<object> OnRemoteMeasureRequested()
Instrument.OnRemoteMeasureRequested += async () =>
await RemoteMeasureRequested(nameof(OnRemoteMeasureRequested), null);
return null;
namespace DeviceConsumer
public class InstrumentService
static Type Type = typeof(DeviceLib.InstrumentInstance);
DeviceLib.InstrumentInstance InstrumentInstance;
static List<MethodInfo> AvailableEventHandlers = Type.GetMethods().Where(x => x.DeclaringType == Type && !x.IsSpecialName && x.Name.StartsWith("On")).ToList();
static List<EventInfo> AvailableEvents=Type.GetEvents().ToList();
public InstrumentService()
public async Task CreateInstrumentInstance(string driverName)
this.InstrumentInstance = new DeviceLib.InstrumentInstance(driverName);
// Invoking the methods that wrap the event handlers with reflection
foreach (MethodInfo eventHandler in AvailableEventHandlers)
await (Task<object>)eventHandler.Invoke(InstrumentInstance, new object[] { });
InstrumentInstance.StatusChanged += async(s,e) => await ProcessInstrumentEvent(s,e);
InstrumentInstance.RemoteMeasureRequested += async (s, e) => await ProcessInstrumentEvent(s, e);
private async Task ProcessInstrumentEvent(object sender, dynamic eventArgs)
await Task.Run(() =>
Console.Write($"Event {sender} Fired!");
Now I want to substitute the static part that associates the events to the ProcessInstrumentEvent method:
InstrumentInstance.StatusChanged += async(s,e) => await ProcessInstrumentEvent(s,e);
InstrumentInstance.RemoteMeasureRequested += async (s, e) => await ProcessInstrumentEvent(s, e);
With something like:
foreach (EventInfo ev in AvailableEvents)
// EventHandler handler = async delegate (object s, dynamic e) { await ProcessInstrumentEvent(s, e); };
// EventHandler handler = new EventHandler(async (s, e) => await ProcessInstrumentEvent(s,e));
ev.AddEventHandler(InstrumentInstance, handler);
None of the 2 approaches to define "handler" worked, where I'm failing here? I think I'm very close, the goal of this implementation is to dynamically add (and later remove) the handlers that target the method "ProcessInstrumentEvent" in class "InstrumentService" so without using += and -= operators, so I thought that I could achieve that using the reflection methods "AddEventHandler" and "RemoveEventHandler"
This should work:
var obj = new InstrumentInstance("foo");
EventCompletedHandler handler = async (s, e) => await ProcessInstrumentEvent(s, e);
foreach (var evt in obj.GetType().GetEvents(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
if (evt.EventHandlerType == typeof(EventCompletedHandler))
Console.WriteLine($"Binding '{evt.Name}'");
evt.AddEventHandler(obj, handler);
It should also work without the extra indirection:
EventCompletedHandler handler = ProcessInstrumentEvent;