Because I installed dblink extension into the (default) public schema, \df
will display all the dblink related functions. I only want to view customized function.
How can I see function that not contain text "dblink"?
So far what I tried.
\df !~ *dblink*
\df !~ *dblink*
\df ! *dblink*
\df !*dblink*
\df ! *'dblink'
\df !~* 'dblink'
\df !~ 'dblink'
\df !~ dblink
\df dblink*
will get all the function begin with "dblink". I just want the opposite.
regex link:
psql link:
How can I see function that not contain text "dblink",
Regular expressions are supported in these patterns. Without adding an operator like !~*
Unfortunately, some special characters are excluded. A regexp with a negative lookahead would solve your request nicely. But no luck, because that happens to involve the ?
characters and, quoting the manual:
All regular expression special characters work as specified in Section 9.7.3, except for [...],
which is translated to.
Barring that, I can only think of character classes to exclude patterns as a workaround:
test=> \df public.([^d]|.[^b]|..[^l]|...[^i]|....[^n]|.....[^k])*
Displays all tables in the schema public
that do not start with 'dblink'. It's a regular expression with branches:
allows all names that do not start with 'd',.[^b]
allows all without 'b' as 2nd characterEtc.
Since the long string is awkward to type, you can save it to a psql variable, and interpolate that:
test=> \set dbx 'public.([^d]|.[^b]|..[^l]|...[^i]|....[^n]|.....[^k])*'
test=> \df :dbx
You can even put that \set
command into your ~/.psqlrc
file to have it loaded in psql automatically.
Alternatively, you can query the system catalogs:
SELECT n.nspname AS "Schema", p.proname AS "Name"
, pg_catalog.pg_get_function_result(p.oid) AS "Result data type"
, pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments(p.oid) AS "Argument data types"
, CASE p.prokind WHEN 'a' THEN 'agg' WHEN 'w' THEN 'window' WHEN 'p' THEN 'proc' ELSE 'func' END AS "Type"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace
WHERE pg_function_is_visible (p.oid) -- only visible functions like plain \df
AND n.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg\_%' -- exclude catalog schemas
AND p.proname NOT LIKE 'dblink%' -- exclude pattern
ORDER BY 1, 2, 4;
While this is a lot more versatile, it is also more complicated. And may change for future versions ...
That said, the clean solution is to avoid the mess and install extensions into a separate schema, like a_horse already hinted. This related answer has detailed instructions:
If you go that route, and use a schema named extensions
, you can then simply change the schema where dblink
is installed with: