I am having trouble understanding key
parameter in sorted
function in Python.
Let us say, the following list is given: sample_list = ['Date ', 'of', 'birth', 'year 1990', 'month 10', 'day 15']
and I would like to sort only the strings that contain number.
Expected output: ['Date ', 'of', 'birth', 'month 10', 'day 15', 'year 1990']
Until now, I only managed to print the string with the number
def sort_with_key(element_of_list):
if re.search('\d+', element_of_list):
return element_of_list
sorted(sample_list, key = sort_with_key)
But how do I actually sort those elements? Thank you!
We can try sorting with a lambda:
sample_list = ['Date ', 'of', 'birth', 'year 1990', 'month 10', 'day 15']
sample_list = sorted(sample_list, key=lambda x: int(re.findall(r'\d+', x)[0]) if re.search(r'\d+', x) else 0)
This prints:
['Date ', 'of', 'birth', 'month 10', 'day 15', 'year 1990']
The logic used in the lambda is to sort by the number in each list entry, if the entry has a number. Otherwise, it assigns a value of zero to other entries, placing them first in the sort.