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Split a variable length string in oracle 10g

I am having trouble to split a space delimited variable length string containing names in oracle 10g.Below are the few example of what I mean

1. Name : Alpha Beta 
   First_Name : Alpha
   Last_Name : Beta

2. Name : Alpha Beta Gamma
   First_Name : Alpha
   Middle_Name : Beta
   Last_Name : Gamma

3. Name : Alpha Beta Gamma Omega
   First_Name : Alpha
   Middle_Name : Beta
   Last_Name : Gamma Omega

Thank you.


  • Oracle 10g? That's an oldie.

    SQL> with test (id, name) as
      2    (select 0, 'Alpha'                  from dual union all
      3     select 1, 'Alpha Beta'             from dual union all
      4     select 2, 'Alpha Beta Gamma'       from dual union all
      5     select 3, 'Alpha Beta Gamma Omega' from dual
      6    )
      7  select id,
      8    substr(name, 1, case when instr(name, ' ') = 0 then length(name)
      9                         else instr(name, ' ') - 1
     10                    end
     11          ) first_name,
     12    --
     13    substr(name, instr(name, ' ') + 1,
     14                 instr(name, ' ', 1, 2) - instr(name, ' ') - 1
     15          ) middle_name,
     16    --
     17    case when instr(name, ' ') = 0 then null
     18         else substr(name, instr(name, ' ', 1, case when instr(name, ' ', 1, 2) = 0 then 1
     19                                                    else 2
     20                                               end) + 1)
     21    end last_name
     22  from test;
    ---------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
             0 Alpha
             1 Alpha                           Beta
             2 Alpha           Beta            Gamma
             3 Alpha           Beta            Gamma Omega

    What does it do? Searches for spaces in name column and extract values as you described. Nothing special about it, except - perhaps - last_name which also has case expression. It checks whether the 2nd space exists or not; if not, substring after the 1st space is last name; otherwise, substring after the 2nd space is last name.