I want to change some bits in memory by STR instruction.
.equ ram_address,0x4000
.equ pattern,0x55
.equ counter,50
mov r0,#pattern
mov r1,#counter
mov r2,#ram_address
back: str r0,[r2]
add r2,#4
subs r1,r1,#1
bne back
here: b here
i: .word 0xffffffff
and using such a makefile:
Compile_Options= -g
Link_Options=-Ttext=0x0 -Tbss=0x4000 # -Tdata=0x4000 #
.PHONY : clean
.PRECIOUS : %.bin %.elf %.o
all : create
create : flash.bin
dd if=/dev/zero of=flash.bin bs=4096 count=4096
dd if=main.bin of=flash.bin bs=4096 conv=notrunc
$(Objcpy) -O binary $< $@
$(Linker) $(Link_Options) -o $@ $<
$(Assembler) $(Compile_Options) $< -o $@
clean :
rm -f *.o *.bin *.elf
And this is qemu command:
qemu-system-arm -S -M connex -pflash flash.bin -nographic -serial /dev/null
QEMU emulator version 6.1.0
I check memory by qemu-arm-system and gdbserver and x/16xw 0x4000
command. results is:
0xffffffff 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
It means .data section is readonly. how could I set it writable?
As mensioned this page: [http://www.bravegnu.org/gnu-eprog/using-ram.html][1]
The connex board has a 64 MB of RAM starting at address 0xA0000000, in which variables can be stored.
so I changed ram_address to 0xA0000000 and it worked, and by x/4xw 0xA0000000
I can see changes in RAM.