I am still studying this stuff and been looking through google and Youtube but there doesn't seem to have this problem for VB.net I saw some on python or Java though. This is the output that I have to get but when i read the text file and try to find the frequency its doesn't go as hoped
This is my code.
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim reader As TextReader = New StreamReader("number.txt")
Dim num As Integer = 0
For Each item In reader.ReadToEnd
If item.CompareTo(reader.ReadLine) = True Then
num += 1
End If
rtbshow.Text = "Digit" & " " & " " & " Frequency " & vbNewLine & reader.ReadToEnd() & " " & " " & num
End Sub
End Class
A dictionary can work for this, but given just the nine digits an indexed array can do just as well and probably be faster.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim digitCounts = Enumerable.Repeat(0,10).ToArray()
Dim digits = File.ReadAllText("number.txt").
Where(Function(c) Char.IsDigit(c)).
Select(Function(c) Asc(c) - Asc("0"c))
For Each d As Integer In digits
digitCounts(d) += 1
Dim result As New StringBuilder($"Digit{vbTab}Frequency{vbCrLf}")
For i As Integer = 0 To 9
rtbshow.Text = result.ToString()
End Sub
You can (kind of) see it working here, except I couldn't get .Net fiddle to do the string interpolation:
We could also solve this with a GroupBy()
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim result As New StringBuilder($"Digit{vbTab}Frequency{vbCrLf}")
Dim digits = File.ReadAllText("number.txt").
Where(Function(c) Char.IsDigit(c)).
OrderBy(Function(d) d).
GroupBy(Function(d) d,
Function(d, g) $"{d,3}{vbTab}{g.Count(),7}{vbCrLf}"
For Each d As String in digits
rtbshow.Text = result.ToString()
End Sub
See it work here:
Note this last skips missing digits.