I'm using Pytorch
to run Transformer model. when I want to split data (tokenized data) i'm using this code:
train_dataset, test_dataset = torch.utils.data.random_split(
[train_size, test_size])
using shuffling method, but I don't want to shuffle. I want to split it sequentially.
Any advice? thanks
The random_split
method has no parameter that can help you create a non-random sequential split.
The easiest way to achieve a sequential split is by directly passing the indices for the subset you want to create:
# Created using indices from 0 to train_size.
train_dataset = torch.utils.data.Subset(tokenized_datasets, range(train_size))
# Created using indices from train_size to train_size + test_size.
test_dataset = torch.utils.data.Subset(tokenized_datasets, range(train_size, train_size + test_size))
Refer: PyTorch docs.