I have a C# solution, with multiple projects, being managed in Rider. For one project ("Proj1") I have multiple run configurations ("Proj1 A", and "Proj1 B").
By default the project explorer UI offers one of the configurations preferentially:
but I want to run 'Proj1 B' more often that 'Proj1 A'.
How can I can set which one is offered by default? (It doesn't seem to be done alphabetically, it mostly seems to be "order of creation"!?
.<project> -> <component name="RunManager"> -> <list>
element, find <item>
elements looking like this:<item itemvalue=".NET Project.Proj1 A" />
<item itemvalue=".NET Project.Proj1 B" />
Reverse them - Rider appears to use whichever one is listed first as the default run config to offer.