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How to implement an F# interface with a member returing an instance of that interface?

Let's say I have the following interface in F#:

type InterfaceA =
 abstract Magic : InterfaceA -> InterfaceA

How can I implement such interface? When I try to do it like this:

type MyTypeA = {x:int} with
 interface InterfaceA with
  member self.Magic another = 

I get the error: This expression was expected to have type 'InterfaceA' but here has type 'MyTypeA'


  • To fix the type error, you need to explicitly cast the returned value to the InterfaceA type - unlike for example C#, F# does not do this automatically:

    type InterfaceA =
     abstract Magic : InterfaceA -> InterfaceA
     abstract Value : int
    type MyTypeA = 
      interface InterfaceA with
        member self.Value = self.x
        member self.Magic another = 
          { x=self.x+another.Value } :> InterfaceA

    Note that your code also did not work because another was of type InterfaceA and so it did not have the x field you could access. To fix this, I added a member Value to the interface.