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How to assign RBAC for ARM to Managed Identity

An app needs to list RBAC role assignment for a given ressource. This works locally using my own credentials (AzureCliCredential), but not when deployed in Azure using ManagedIdentityCredential. I suppose this is because I am the subscription owner.

How would I authorize the MSI to have read/list permissions with regards to the ARM itself?

The following code is used.

    public static async Task<RoleAssignmentsResult> GetRoleAssignmentsFor(string resource)
        const string VERSION = "2018-01-01-preview";
        string url = $"{resource}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments?$filter=atScope()&api-version={VERSION}";
        Stream respBody = await _request(url);
        var result = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<RoleAssignmentsResult>(respBody);
        return result;

    private static async Task<Stream> _request(string url)
        HttpRequestMessage req = new(HttpMethod.Get, new Uri(url));
        string[] scopes = { "" };
        ManagedIdentityCredential cred = new();
        TokenRequestContext ctx = new(scopes);
        return await cred.GetTokenAsync(ctx);

        req.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", jwt.Token);
        HttpResponseMessage res = await new HttpClient.SendAsync(req);
        return await res.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();


  • Thanks @juunas. As you proposed in the comments to the question, assigning the Reader role for the resource to the MSI did the trick. As I was interested in listing role assignments for individual KeyVault secrets, I chose the vault as the scope.