Hey I want to show text in order list in textview in android Kotlin. I tried Ordered List inside an Android Textview. I tried heres code it works, but its miss match the height of number and text. I will share the code what i done so far.
import android.graphics.Canvas
import android.graphics.Paint
import android.text.Layout
import android.text.style.LeadingMarginSpan
class NumberIndentSpan(
private val leadWidth: Int,
private val gapWidth: Int,
private val index: Int
) : LeadingMarginSpan {
override fun getLeadingMargin(first: Boolean): Int = leadWidth + gapWidth
override fun drawLeadingMargin(
c: Canvas?,
p: Paint?,
x: Int,
dir: Int,
top: Int,
baseline: Int,
bottom: Int,
text: CharSequence?,
start: Int,
end: Int,
first: Boolean,
layout: Layout?
) {
if (first) {
val orgStyle = p!!.style
p.style = Paint.Style.FILL
val width = p.measureText("4.")
c!!.drawText("$index.", (leadWidth + x - width / 2) * dir, bottom - p.descent(), p)
p.style = orgStyle
val list = mutableListOf(
"Log in Google account\n",
"Scroll to the page\n",
"Tap disconnect from account to logout"
var number = 1
val builder = SpannableStringBuilder()
for (text in list) {
val contentStart: Int = builder.length
builder.setSpan(NumberIndentSpan(15, 15, number), contentStart, builder.length, 0)
textView.text = builder
I want to place number and text at equal height. As images show what i getting from this code. Also i am getting format issue like as 1st point and 2nd point text starting is different, i want in sequence. How can i fix all these things. Thanks in advance
I had the same issue. That's because you have applied a custom font and most likely a line spacing extra that you are not contemplating during the Y positioning.
This is my working solution: https://gist.github.com/marcelpallares/ae6285ee0dcb3f04493991dcb18d01bd
class NumberIndentSpan(
private val number: Int,
private val leadWidth: Int = 15,
private val gapWidth: Int = 30,
) : LeadingMarginSpan {
override fun getLeadingMargin(first: Boolean): Int {
return leadWidth + gapWidth
override fun drawLeadingMargin(
canvas: Canvas,
paint: Paint,
x: Int,
dir: Int,
top: Int,
baseline: Int,
bottom: Int,
t: CharSequence?,
start: Int,
end: Int,
first: Boolean,
layout: Layout?
) {
if (first) {
val text = "$number."
val width = paint.measureText(text)
val yPosition = baseline.toFloat()
val xPosition = (leadWidth + x - width / 2) * dir
canvas.drawText(text, xPosition, yPosition, paint)