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How to make array list in my case using Batch File Script?

I want to copy files from one folder to multiple pc in the local network.

I want to add IP address in array list like below

set list=\\
set list=%list%;\\ 
set list=%list%;\\ 
set list=%list%;\\
set list=%list%;\\

then, I will copy file to above IP's by following code. But the following code will do for 1 ip. It's working and copied the file to destination location

net use "\\\c$\foldername" /user:%username% %password%
copy "C:\Desktop\Update" "\\\c$\foldername"
IF ERRORLEVEL 0 goto disconnect
goto end
net use "\\\c$\foldername" /delete
goto end

I tried like below, but it doesn't work

@echo off
for %a% in (%list%) do (  
    net use %a%\foldername /user:%username% %password%
    copy "C:\Desktop\Update" %a%\foldername
    IF ERRORLEVEL 0 goto disconnect
    goto end
    net use %a%\foldername /delete
    goto end


  • Create a variable (not array) and add the IP's separated by space, comma or semicolon. Then connect to IPC$ to allow authentication, copy the file(s) and then remove the IPC$ share:

    @echo off
    set "list="
    for %%i in (%list%) do (
        net use "\\%%i\IPC$" /user:%username% %password%
        copy "C:\Desktop\Update" "\\%%i\foldername"
        net use /d "\\%%i\IPC$"