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Objectify paging with Cursors

I have this method in my RPC service:

public Entrata[] getEntrate(int from, int to) {
    List<Entrata> data = entrateDao.list();
    return data.toArray(new Entrata[0]);

As you can see, I am not using the two parameters, which, in a SQL world, I would use as LIMIT and OFFSET.

It's not completely clear what I have to do now, I started reading this:

I think I have to do a query.startCursor(<my_"from"_parameter>)

Then iterate for "TO" times, the page size.

All right? Can you help me with some snippets? :)


  • From docs: Cursors let you take a "checkpoint" in a query result set, store the checkpoint elsewhere, and then resume from where you left off late

    As you need just limit/offset, you have to use limit() and offset() method of Objectify Query. Like:

    ob.query(Entrata.class).limit(to - from).offset(from)

    Or, when you have cursor:

    String cursor = // get it from request
    Query<Entrata> query = ob.query(Entrata.class);
    Query q = query.startCursor(Cursor.fromWebSafeString(cursor));
    QueryResultIterator<Entrate> iterator = query.iterator()
    List<Entrate> data = // fetch data
    String newCursor = iterrator.getStartCursor().toWebSafeString()
    return new EntrataListWithCursor(data, cursor);