I have a slash command in my Pycord bot. Here is the code:
@bot.slash_command(name='greet', description='Greet someone!')
async def greet(ctx, name):
await ctx.send('Hello ' + name + '!')
How would I make "name" an optional parameter? I tried setting name=None, but it doesn't work.
There are a couple of ways to do this. The first way is the easiest and laziest way which is just setting the parameter to a default value as such:
@bot.slash_command(name='greet', description='Greet someone!')
async def greet(ctx, name=''):
await ctx.respond(f'Hello {name}!')
The second way that I know of is from the example code in the Pycord repository:
from discord.commands import Option
@bot.slash_command(name='greet', description='Greet someone!')
async def greet(ctx, name: Option(str, "Enter your friend's name", required = False, default = '')):
await ctx.respond(f'Hello {name}!')
await ctx.send(f'Hello {name}!')
was changed to await ctx.respond(f'Hello {name}!')
because discord requires a response from a slash command otherwise discord will show an ugly error message saying that there was no response.
As of June 2022, you can write your slash commands with the default parameter value expressed in the decorator:
@bot.slash_command(name='greet', description='Greet someone!')
description="Enter your friend's name",
async def greet(
ctx: discord.ApplicationContext,
name: str
await ctx.respond(f"Hello {name}!")