As ingress-nginx docs state enabling ssl passthrough (--enable-ssl-passthrough
) "bypasses NGINX completely and introduces a non-negligible performance penalty."
Does this mean that all backends are affected by this performance penalty, or only those whose ingress has the annotation
In my case, I'd like to proxy a Kafka cluster behind an nginx ingress, and Kafka demands ssl passthrough to be enabled. So would it be advisable to install two ingresses, one without ssl passthrough/performance penalty for the usual http traffic to the web application, and a second one with ssl passthrough solely for Kafka?
Does this mean that all backends are affected by this performance penalty, or only those whose ingress has the annoation ""?
To answer this question, I will quote the entire warning:
This feature is implemented by intercepting all traffic on the configured HTTPS port (default: 443) and handing it over to a local TCP proxy. This bypasses NGINX completely and introduces a non-negligible performance penalty.
It follows that all traffic that is directed to your HTTPS port (all pods with HTTPS traffic) will have a slight performance penalty as this bypasses NGINX itself. It shouldn't affect your HTTP traffic. So you shouldn't need to run a second ingress, but you can always do so to separate rules in two separate ingresses.