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Why is "continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge" not being triggered by GitHub on a pull request?

In GitHub Enterprise, we have Project A under Organization A. When I submit a PR (pull request) to Project A, the continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge is triggered which runs a Jenkins pipeline to build the code and perform unit tests. This allows us to prevent the PR from being merged into master if the unit tests fail.

For example, this is what I see on a PR for Project A in GitHub that includes a broken unit test: enter image description here

Now I am trying to configure Project B under Organization B to behave the same way. However, it is not working. This is what I see on a PR for Project B in GitHub that includes a broken unit test:

enter image description here

Notice that Project B's PR did not kick off the continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge.

Configuration of Project A and Project B

GitHub -> Settings -> Branches -> Branch protection rules

Project A in GitHub has a branch protection rule for master with only one setting enabled:

  • Require pull request reviews before merging

Interestingly, the "Require status checks to pass before merging" setting is not enabled. Out of curiosity, I enabled it (without saving it) and noticed that "continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge" showed up below it as an option.

I configured Project B to have the exact same branch protection rule for master with only "Require pull request reviews before merging" enabled. Out of curiosity, I enabled "Require status checks to pass before merging" (without saving it) and it doesn't even show continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge as an option. It just says "No status checks found. Sorry, we couldn’t find any status checks in the last week for this repository."

GitHub -> Settings -> Hooks -> Webhooks

Project A in GitHub has a webhook configured with:

  • Payload URL
  • Content type application/json
  • Let me select individual events: Pull requests, Pushes, Repositories are checked
  • Active: checked

I created a webhook for Project B with the exact same settings. After I submitted a PR for Project B, I see a couple of items under "Recent Deliveries" for Project B's webhook with green checkmarks and "200" response codes, so I think it is configured correctly.

CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise

In Jenkins Enterprise, Project A's pipeline is of type "GitHub Organization" and has the following settings:

  • API endpoint: kubernetes-cbs-automation (
  • Credentials: [credentials specific to Project A]
  • Owner: [Project A's GitHub organization]
  • Behaviors: Repositories: Filter by name (with regular expression): Regular expression: [name of Project A's GitHub repo]
  • Behaviors: Within repository: Discover pull requests from origin: Strategy: Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
  • Project Recognizers: Pipeline Jenkinsfile: Script Path: ci-cd/jenkins/ProjectA-pipeline.groovy
  • Property strategy: All branches get the same properties
  • Scan Organization Triggers: "Periodically if not otherwise run" checked: Interval: 1 day
  • Orphaned Item Strategy: "Discard old items" checked
  • Child Orphaned Item Strategy: Strategy: Inherited
  • Child Scan Triggers: "Periodically if not otherwise run" checked: Interval: 1 day
  • Automatic branch project triggering: Branch names to build automatically: .*

I created an item under Project B in Jenkins Enterprise of type "GitHub Organization" with the same settings (except any settings specific to Project A were replaced with the appropriate Project B specific settings).

What is wrong/missing?

Given that GitHub PRs for Project B are failing to launch the continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge, it seems like there is some configuration that I am missing. Unfortunately, our GitHub/Jenkins admins have not been able to figure out what is wrong.


We have confirmed that Project B is actually launching a build on the Jenkins agent when a PR is submitted. The problem is that GitHub is not showing the continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge on the web page for the PR. We need that so the PR can be blocked if the build fails, and also so that we can quickly see what went wrong.


  • Posting as answer the resolution we got in the comments.

    The issue was that the user who's token was used in Jenkins did not have the right level of access to post status checks on the repository.

    Differences between the Orgs and Projects

    • OrgA/ProjectA - the user is a Member of the organisation (OrgA) also added in the Collaborators section of the repo with Read access, as well as member of a Team with Write access on the repo itself (ProjectA).
    • OrgB/ProjectB - the user was a Member of the organisation (OrgB) and also in the Collaborators section on the repo itself (ProjectB) but with Read access.

    This caused the issue on projectB status checks not being populated with Jenkins' information from the builds:
    continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge missing from the status checks of GitHub repository.

    When setting up a connection between GitHub and Jenkins we need to provide the user holder of the token with the required access.

    In this case we want to update the github status which needs Write access level:

    github permission level for status checks

    The token of the user should have scope repo:status