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Azure B2B External Identities

I've set an External Identities on my Azure AD B2B (Azure Azure Active Directory > External Identities > All identity providers > New SAML /WS-Fed IdP) I setup a SAML configuration as the screenshot below: External Identity configuration

When I try to define a new User flow my extenal identity isn't present in External Identity provider list, the only two options are

  • Azure Active Directory Sign Up
  • Microsoft Account

How can I add my external identity in this list?


  • SAML/WS-Fed IdP federation is a public preview feature of Azure Active Directory. For more information about previews, see Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.

    Public preview – During this phase we allow any customer with the proper Azure AD license to evaluate the new feature. Microsoft Customer Support Services will supply support services during this phase, but normal service level agreements do not apply. For new features exposed in the Azure AD Portal, customer can expect to see information banners in the user interface that draw attention to the new experience available during the preview. By clicking on the information banner customers then opt-in to the preview experience.

    Would suggest to reach out MS Support and get the proper Azure AD licence for experience this Azure Preview Feature
