I have upgraded to the latest version of botframework and started to get the error:
Oops, it looks like something went wrong. Error:[Error] D:\home\site\wwwroot\Dialogs\RootDialog\LG\en\RootDialog_en.lg line 15:2 - line 15:69: Error occurred when parsing expression ‘json(fromFile(’…/…/Cards/en/OnChooseIntentAdaptiveCard.json’))'. fromFile does not have an evaluator, it’s not a built-in function or a custom function.
LG code:
# AdaptiveCard
Attachments = ${json(AdaptiveCard.Definition())}
# AdaptiveCard.Definition
- ${json(fromFile('../../Cards/en/OnChooseIntentAdaptiveCard.json'))}
# chooseIntentResponseWithCard_en()
Attachments = ${ActivityAttachment(json(fromFile('../../Cards/en/OnChooseIntentAdaptiveCard.json')), 'adaptiveCard')}
# Greeting_en()
Attachments = ${ActivityAttachment(json(fromFile('../../Cards/en/GreetingCard.json')), 'adaptiveCard')}
AttachmentLayout = list
What am I missing?
is now disabled by default. You can change set the value on the Microsoft.Bot.Builder.LanguageGeneration.Templates class:
Templates.EnableFromFile = true;