I found this old stackoverflow article that essentially is exactly what I want.
Algorithm to optimize multiple variables more efficiently than trial-and-error
unforunately my more advanced maths are a bit lacking and I have some questions about the answer by ElKamina, if anyone can take a look and advise some of these basic math concepts, hopefully it will help me out.
The answer I am referring to is as follows:
def simAnneal( w, seed_x, numSteps=100000, sigma=0.01 ):
optimal_x = [i for i in seed_x]
optimal_w = w(optimal_x)
cur_w = w(seed_x)
for i in range(numSteps):
new_x = [i+random.gauss(0, sigma) for i in seed_x]
new_w = w(new_x)
if (new_w > cur_w) or (random.random() > new_w / cur_w) :
cur_x = new_x
cur_w = new_w
if cur_w > optimal_w:
optimal_w = cur_w
optimal_x = cur_x
return optimal_x
I am unfamiliar with seed_x, sigma and gaussian distribution so I am not sure how they are coming up with new_x.
I am attempting to solve a value based on many variables, (>10) and am trying to optimize better than randomly guessing as it would take forever.
Simulated Annealing TLDR: We're trying to find a set of parameters that will maximize a function by adding random noise to parameters. If change leads to improvement, changes are accepted; once in a while we accept negative changes, but the probability of that lowers with time and how bad the change is.
In the snippet above, the function actually uses multiple parameters but accepts them as a list:
is the function which parameters are optimizedseed_x
is the initial guess of parameters - can be selected at random, but an informed guess would be betterrandom.random()*sigma
(all values are equally likely) would work just fine there, too.sigma
is the magnitude of noise to be injected. It should not exceed a couple percent of typical param values. If param values vastly differ in magnitude, consider using a list of sigmas specific for each parameter.Rewriting it with temperature, more descriptive names, and more explicit:
def simAnneal(utility_func, initial_params, numSteps=100000,
noise_magnitude=0.01, cooling_rate=0.999):
optimal_params = initial_params
params = initial_params.copy() # lists are mutable, so .copy()
best_utility = utility = utility_func(*initial_params)
temperature = 1.0
for i in range(numSteps):
temperature *= cooling_rate
# consider using numpy/scipy for params and noise
new_params = [param+random.gauss(0, noise_magnitude)
for param in params]
# explicitly passing multiple parameters
new_utility = utility_func(*new_params)
if (new_utility > best_utility
or random.random()*temperature > new_utility / best_utility):
params, utility = new_params, new_utility
if new_utility > best_utility:
optimal_params, best_utility = params, utility
return optimal_params
Last but not least - unless the problem is extremely non-convex, I'd bet SGD would perform much better.