For some reason my site displays a "Cannot display this message" error in those browsers while working correctly in Firefox, Opera, Safari and IE8.
It looks like this:
This document was successfully checked as XHTML 1.0 Transitional!
This document was successfully checked as XHTML 1.0 Transitional!
It still doesn't work though...
Found the problem:
Was using the following procedures to remove unnecessary characters, seems to be wrong though.
function callback($buffer)
$holdit=str_replace(" ", " ", $holdit); // tab
$holdit=str_replace(" ", " ", $holdit); // double space
$holdit=str_replace("\n", " ", $holdit); // new line
$holdit=str_replace("\r", " ", $holdit); // new line
$holdit = eregi_replace("<!--[^>]*-->"," ",$holdit); // comment
return $holdit;
Seems I don't need that function either, it is faster without it.
(I should probably have opted for a single eregi_replace too)