I am working on WIX Installer. I am trying to read Directory path from .ini file to XML. I have to red the path and get the files installed to that particular path.
<Property Id="ROOTDRIVE">
<![CDATA[*value which is read from .ini file has to be passed here*]]>
<Property Id="MY_PROPERTY">
<IniFileSearch Id="myIniSearch" Name="localtest.ini" Section="ENVIRONMENT" Key="LocalDirectory" Type="raw">
<DirectorySearch Id="SPIniFilePath" Path="C:\">
<FileSearch Id="SPIniFile" Name="localtest.ini"/>
</IniFileSearch> />
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir" >
<Directory Id="myIniSearch">
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="!(bind.property.ProductName)" />
localtest.ini is the .ini file. It is in the C drive
Files should get installed to the path specified in .ini file. Following I added CustonAction. Still it gets installed in C drive
<Property Id="MY_PROPERTY" Secure="yes">
<IniFileSearch Id="myIniSearch" Name="localtest.ini" Section="ENVIRONMENT" Key="LocalDirectory" Type="raw">
<DirectorySearch Id="SPIniFilePath" Path="C:\">
<FileSearch Id="SPIniFile" Name="localtest.ini"/>
<CustomAction Id="MyAction.SetProperty" Return="check" Property="MyAction" Value="[MY_PROPERTY]" />
<Custom Action="MyAction.SetProperty" After="AppSearch" />
<DirectoryRef Id='MY_PROPERTY'>
<Directory Id='INSTALLDIR_SimpleWebApp' Name='SimpleWebApp' />
From your code it looks like MY_PROPERTY will be set to the directory found in the ini file (if found). In this case, schedule a type 51 custom action (after AppSearch) that sets 'INSTALLFOLDER' to the value "[MY_PROPERTY]!(bind.property.ProductName)" if MY_PROPERTY is not empty.
(I believe you can drop the ROOTDRIVE and myIniSearch properties)