When I do make with my Erlang pjt, some errors come like: memcached.erl:44:10: syntax error before: '/'
Src code:
%% External API
-export([set/3, set/5]).
-export([add/3, add/5]).
-export([replace/3, replace/5]).
-export([delete/3, delete/2]).
%% Types
%% @type hostport() = {host, string(), port, integer()}. Tuple describing a host and port to connect to
%% @type socket() = {socket, port()}. Tuple describing an existing socket
%% @type memcached_connection() = hostport() | socket().
%% @type memcached_key() = list() | atom().
-type(hostport() :: {host, string(), port, integer()}).
-type(socket() :: {socket, port()}).
-type(memcached_connection() :: hostport() | socket()).
-type(memcached_key() :: list() | atom()).
%% External API
%% @doc Associate Bytes with Key.
%% @spec set(memcached_connection(), Key::memcached_key(), Bytes::any()) ->
%% ok | {error, not_stored}
-spec(set/3::(memcached_connection(), memcached_key(), any()) ->
ok | {error, not_stored}).
set({host, Host, port, Port}, Key, Bytes) ->
set({host, Host, port, Port}, Key, 0, 0, Bytes);
set({socket, Socket}, Key, Bytes) ->
set({socket, Socket}, Key, 0, 0, Bytes).
The error is located at -spec(set/3::(memcached_connection(), memcached_key(), any())
I checked many documents trying to solve it but the error is still there. Is there any mis-spelling or misuse of Erlang syntax?
My erl env info:
Erlang/OTP 24 [erts-12.1.5] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [ds:2:2:10] [async-threads:1]
Eshell V12.1.5 (abort with ^G)
This syntax is obsolete:
-spec(set/3::(memcached_connection(), memcached_key(), any()) ->
ok | {error, not_stored}).
The current syntax is:
-spec set(memcached_connection(), memcached_key(), any()) ->
ok | {error, not_stored}.
I tried to figure out which version of Erlang dropped support for the old syntax, but I couldn't find it - must have been a long time ago.