I'm looking for a function that is almost the opposite of FV().
In cryptocurrency tokens, returns are sometimes quoted as a compounded Annual Percentage Yield (APY). These tokens can make payments in periods which are daily, or even each hour, or each 8 hours, etc.
So I'd like to work out the yield per period, from the compounded APY.
I've looked through the financial functions at Google Sheets > Financial but most of these are way over my head.
Any suggestions would be most welcome!
[Edit] I've tried using FV(), by using 365 periods per year, and (say) $100 for current value, seeing what the outcome is to get an APY - but I have to keep modifying that daily rate until I get close to the APY that's quoted. In other words, I'm trying to do it backwards. Must be a function that can do this though?
After mulling over this for some time, a moment of clarity yielded the surprisingly simple answer.
p (periods) = 365*3 (ie, each 8 hours, for a year)
= 1095
r (rate) = 1.8%
APY = (1 + r) ^ p
= (1 + 1.8%) ^ 1095
= 30,466,103,336.2661%
So to get the Rate from the APY it becomes:
r = APY ^ 1/p - 1
= 30,466,103,336.2661% ^ 1/1095 - 1
= 1.8%