Search code examples

ORA-01722: invalid number 01722. 00000 - "invalid number" *Cause: The specified number was invalid. *Action: Specify a valid number

I am new to Oracle SQL Developer, and today while running this

select,,, it.comment, it.item, it.remark, r.summary,
substr (it.remark, instr(it.remark,'ABC')+8,7 )  as label1,
cast(substr (it.remark, instr(it.remark,'-')+1,3 ) as integer) as label2
from it_table it 

inner join sp_table sp on = substr (it.remark, instr(it.remark,'ABC')+8,7 ) and sp.label_id = cast(substr (it.remark, instr(it.remark,'-')+1,3 ) as integer) 
inner join sq_table sq on =
where > '01-jan-2020' and it.remark like '%ABC%' and 'O'
order by,;

it caught the error:

ORA-01722: invalid number
01722. 00000 -  "invalid number"
*Cause:    The specified number was invalid.
*Action:   Specify a valid number.

I think the problem lies with the extraction as in row 3 (cast(substr (it.remark, instr(it.remark,'-')+1,3 ) as integer)), where I need to convert a string into a number using cast.

According to doc, the error occurs when an attempt is made to convert a character string into a number, and the string cannot be converted into a valid number.

So, I tried replacing:

cast(substr (it.remark, instr(it.remark,'-')+1,3 ) as integer)


to_number(substr (it.remark, instr(it.remark,'-')+1,3 ))

and even tried to_char but didn't work. However, the original script seems to work fine in sandbox database. I am wondering why this is happening. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Sample data it:

     ID    DATE       NAME     GROUP     REMARK                              COMMENT ... 
     100   20-10-08   AABC     X         ACS LOCATION 1 - ABC IDD x105213-1    
     ​101   20-10-08   AxB      Y         MN  LOCATION 8 - ABC IDD x105244-2 

Sample data sp:

     ID       DATE       NAME     GROUP     label_id   
     105213   20-10-08   AABC     X         1   
     ​105244   20-10-08   AxB      Y         2

It turns out that the error was caused by having 2 - in remark which lead to ambiguity and I just need the second one.

New question then:

How do I extract the last - in the value to join with another value in the other column?


  • Use cast with default null on conversion error to avoid exception and investigate the cause of the failed conversion.


    with dt as 
    (select '001' remark from dual union all
     select '  2' from dual union all
     select 'OMG' from dual)
    select substr(remark,1,3) txt,
    cast (substr(remark,1,3) as INT default null on conversion error) num
    from dt;
    TXT        NUM
    --- ----------
    001          1
      2          2