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WordPress Nginx Configuration - GoDaddy Managed WP

Some of the other post are helpful but only after I get help on my post.

_Managed WP, GoDaddy _Tools available: in GD: "File Browser", "phpMyAdmin" (takes me to a URL UI). _phpMyAdmin:

  • Has things like "Databases" "Status" "Ex/Import" "Variables" "Charsets" "Engines".
  • Left tab has info_schema & server/site id in a drop down menu setup. One drop per item (schema & site/server). Two hierarchies.
  • A console/terminal

DB server Percona & Web server nginx/1.18.0

  • db client libmysql - mysqlnd 7.4.16


  • I don't know how to control the webserver. I am trying to setup multisite network. Currently testing/configuring pretty permalinks. Instructions unclear. Can't find GoDaddy docs on server interaction. Console in phpMyAdmin only sends SQL queries, totally not helpful. This documentation assumes I am big-brain Dev.
  • states

However, we can set our really cool permalink configuration directly by editing Nginx. We will use try_files directive so WordPress can start using pretty permalinks. Let’s see the configuration for WordPress installed on the root of your domain, and also on a directory called /blog

WordPress Nginx Configuration for root installations

Search for the location / block inside nginx configuration and add the following line inside:

try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

My questions / issues

  • Search for location?? What location?
  • Search using what? How do I get to the webserver/search util? ?SSH to the ip? Currently working with GD to figure out why SSH won't enable as it should...

Everything available to me and working properly does not produced desired returns when searching...


  • Problem solved! There is a reason so many online articles talk about Apache and few talk about nginx (concerning GoDaddy, Managed WordPress, Multisite Network Install). The reason is because A) Managed WordPress from G-Diddy is incompatible with Multi-site Network installation. Why? The parts of the server and the control over directories needed to achieve Multisite Network install are x) not accessible x) non-existent do to lack of tools (this is why the monthly cost is lower). {I keep mentioning Multisite Network, that was the end-goal; Pretty Permalinks setup was a prerequisite to Multi-site). B) All Managed WordPress offers from GDiddy come with nginx so: no Apache, meaning !no!htaccess.php file exist! C) No Apache also means no cPanel, meaning, a bunch of other s**t doesn't exist too...


    • Upgraded to "WordPress with cPanel" (this is delivered on a Linux box, with Apache webserver + cPanel).

    Be sure to check my next post which is already halfway to a self answer but I don't believe I will be able to fully answer it so the need to post (and partially) self answer is not just so I can pat my own back, still need big time help!