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java.lang.IllegalStateException when creating a ScoreManager on Spring for OptaPlanner

I got the following exception when trying to create a scoreManager :

java.lang.IllegalStateException: The solutionClass (class my.package.MySolution) has been specified as a solution in the configuration, but does not have a @PlanningSolution annotation.

However, the MySolution class does have the @PlanningSolution annotation, and the xml config file used looks like this :


But when calling the SolverFactory.createFromXmlResource like this :

        SolverFactory<MySolution> solverFactory = SolverFactory.createFromXmlResource("solver/myRosteringSolverConfig.xml");

        var scoreManager = ScoreManager.create(solverFactory);

I got the mentioned exception. Which does not make sense, because 1) the config use the same solutionClass as used by the SolverFactory and 2) the class is annotated...


  • The class cast exception is probably because it's loading the same @Planningsolution class from two different jars.

    Use optaplanner-spring-boot-starter to avoid such classloading issues.