Search code examples

Find a document via mongo-driver golang with nested array

I'm trying to do a basic query that searches for a document where a specific value is inside an array. Lets take the following example:

  "metadata": {
    "tenant": [

filter := bson.M{"metadata": bson.M{"tenant": "tenant1"}}

collection := mongo.Database(DB).Collection(Collection)
result := collection.FindOne(context.Background(), filter)

The result here is empty, I tried working with $elemmatch it also didn't work. when I take the array out of metadata it works.

Please help.


  • Your filter filters for documents that has a metadata field that's a document with a tenant field with tenant1 value.

    To find documents that have a metadata field being a document, having a tenant array including the tenant1 element, concatenate the field names with a dot:

    filter := bson.M{"metadata.tenant": "tenant1"}