I have created a custom step in which I'm doing some calculations. I need to pass or fail the step according to the outcome of the calculations. Presently step always shows pass in the report even when the calculation fails. Also, I would like to know how to pass the fail note to the report as I can see it is implemented in common steps.
I'm using QAF version 3.0.1
Below is a sample example:
@QAFTestStep(description = "I check quantity")
public static void iCheckQuantity() {
String product = getBundle().getString("prj.product");
Int availableStock = getBundle().getString("prj.aStock");
Int minStock = getBundle().getString("prj.minStock");
if (availableStock < minStock) {
// I want to fail the step here telling - minimum stock required to run the test for "product" is "minStock" but presenlty available is "availableStock"
I was able to figure out the answer.
import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.util.Validator.*;
assertFalse(true, "FAIL message here", "SUCCESS message here");
The below links were useful to understand more on verifications and also on different types of verifications/assertions available in QAF.
Refer: https://qmetry.github.io/qaf/latest/assertion_verification.html https://qmetry.github.io/qaf/latest/javadoc/com/qmetry/qaf/automation/util/Validator.html