Search code examples

Unique table from multiple ones having same and different columns (SQL)

I have multiple datasets having different rows and fields.

Customer_ID   Date       Category Address         City          School
4154124       1/2/2021      A      balboa st.    Canterbury   Middleton
2145124       1/2/2012      A      somewhere     world        St. Augustine
1621573       1/2/2012      A      my_street     somewhere    St. Augustine

Customer_ID   Date           Category Country  Zipcode   
14123         12/12/2020        B       UK      EW
416412        14/12/2020        B       ES      

Customer_ID   Date          Category School         University 
4124123       07/12/2020       C       Middleton      Oxford

I would like a final dataset which includes all the columns (keeping only one copy of the common ones):

Customer_ID   Date       Category Address         City          School  Country  Zipcode  University
    4154124       1/2/2021      A      balboa st.    Canterbury   Middleton
    2145124       1/2/2012      A      somewhere     world        St. Augustine
    1621573       1/2/2012      A      my_street     somewhere    St. Augustine
    14123         12/12/2020        B                                    UK      EW
    416412        14/12/2020        B                                    ES      
    4124123       07/12/2020       C                            Middleton                   Oxford

would a left join be the best way to get the expected output? How I can keep Customer_ID Date and Category and duplicates column (e.g., School) only once?


  • You can achieve this using UNION ALL.

    SELECT Customer_ID, Date, Category, Address, City, School, '' AS Country, '' AS ZipCode, '' AS university  FROM dataset1 
    SELECT Customer_ID, Date, Category, '', '', '', Country, Zipcode, ''   FROM dataset2
    SELECT Customer_ID, Date, Category, '', '', School, '', '', University FROM dataset3