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Using "apple-mobile-web-app-capable" within ASP.NET master pages causing new browser to open

We are trying to create an ASP.NET web app using the "apple-mobile-web-app-capable" meta-tag to control the appearance of the page on an iPad.

It is correctly removing the address bar if I have the URL bookmarked and added to the home screen, but when I navigate from a page that is not using a Master page to a page that is using a Master page, a new browser is opened, and the address bar re-appears on the page that is loaded. We have narrowed it down to the meta-tag being the common factor, even on pages with no real content and consistent contents (including the meta-tags).

Has anyone else found a solution to this problem? We have been unable to find a solution so far through our own work, or searches, and Apple's support site has no answers relating to it.


  • Found two solutions to the problem:

    • One solution is to make any page requests within the web application using a method that is not the standard link or form submit. This mainly means using javascript such as location.href within user controls (links/buttons), or pushing a new page based on an automatic server redirect.

    • The other is to create the entire web app as a single page download, with each individual 'screen' as a separate displayed and hidden as needed. This is the method that jQuery Mobile uses.

    I also established that automated log-in redirects at start-up don't break the web app behaviour, as all the iPhone/iPad web app meta tag settings are stored with the Home Screen icon once that bookmark is created.